This article will act as a didactic source into an exciting movement that has been taking place on our planet over the course of the last two decades or so. As part of this narrative, we will examine a burgeoning ideology that has emerged in recent years in the age of ascension into the golden age of light. Once this has been established, a rudimentary definition will be provided into what a Starseed is. After this has been done, we will take a look at one group of Starseeds in particular, commonly referred to as the Zeta Recticuli, or the Greys. In doing so, information on the group, their cosmic address, traits and characteristics, mission and purpose, and physical features will be given in full.
Every so often, there is a game-changing thought that creates an entire paradigm shift in the way that we think. What we are coming to find in years recent is an exciting epoch in which we can observe the ways that modern science and spiritual philosophy is converging onto one another in many serendipitous ways. Even more fascinating is the way in which that although it is an entirely new way of thinking, it at the same time, almost paradoxically is a return to the days of old. The main thought that we can intuit is that we are every bit as multidimensional as the universe itself.
From this belief system, it should seem that the cosmological constant, principle, as well as that of the second hermetic law of correspondence, hold true, and very consistently so. To refresh the reader's memory, the cosmological principle asserts that, “Viewed on a sufficiently large scale, the properties of the universe are the same for all observers.” That is to say, on extremely large scales, homogeneity and uniformity can be found on all levels of our observable universe. It is not too much different from the law of correspondence that maintains that the micro reflects the macro world, in as above, so below.
Now, more than ever, we see this more than ever from the models and theories as they relate to the quantum or subatomic realms as they are juxtaposed to that of the much grander conceptualizations of the multiverse. In likewise fashion we see that this is even evident in the observation of consciousness and awareness.
Within the frameworks of the quantum world, our reality consists of infinitesimally small strings and membranes that we cannot readily perceive, even with our most advanced technologies. This is the stuff of string and m-theory respectively; that is, an entire universe consisting of higher realms and dimensions, as far up to ten or even twenty-six, that are beautifully folded up onto themselves outside of sight. From this, we get the likes of a microscopic realm consisting of bosons, quarks, supersymmetry, and Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Similarly, we see this sense of homogeneity and uniformity throughout all of existence and our second law of hermeticism in the developing modalities of our observable universe in schematics of a theoretical multiverse. To date, there are some six or seven models that range from the more well-known inflationary and landscape, to those of the more recent holographic and ultimate multiverses. From the microscopic to the much greater macroscopic we find that we are living in a multidimensional reality.
What is most remarkable about this is the supposition that, we are made of the stuff of stars. It may seem like a corny common expression leveraged by the likes of Astrophysicists and Spiritual Leaders like Deepak Chopra, but it is the most motivational observation one can make. We are made up of the stuff of the cosmos, and as such, we are every bit as multidimensional as it is.
In the context of new-age spiritualism, we see that this community takes this thought one stage further in reaching towards an age of ascension. The belief here ties directly to the fact that we are every bit as multidimensional as the multiverse. It stipulates that we are entering into a time consisting of a quantum shift in consciousness. That this multi-dimensional effect is even found at the level of consciousness. It maintains that we are witnessing a spiritual transformation at this time in which consciousness and awareness evolve. Here, it is worth noting that an evolution of consciousness is an evolution in spirit. Nevertheless, the thought in these circles is that we are shifting from a three-dimensional consciousness to that of five dimensions and higher.
To get the idea think in terms of the Nicola Tesla quote, “Everything is energy, frequency, and vibration.” In this case, the individual focuses on raising their consciousness by moving out of the more primal feelings of fear, anger, guilt, and other base feelings that make it easier for us to be controlled by, to those higher states of being such as joy, bliss, happiness, love, and so on and so forth. One exemplification of this is participating more in activities that the individual loves and enjoys. The overarching aim of this is that as this process goes on at the individual level, and the individual heals themselves, it, in turn, allows it to take place on the collective, planetary, and even cosmic as well. The much more overarching hope is to transition into an age of enlightenment. It is from this vantage point that we get the notion of what a Starseed is.

The term Starseeds has its origins in the works conducted by Dolores Cannon and others like her. At the tail end of the 1900’s, she leveraged a number of hypnotherapies to assist people in healing their life traumas. One such modality incorporated was that of QHHT or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. As in this case, much of her work centered around past-life regression, the healing of it, as well as that of near-death experiences, or what has commonly been referred to as NDE. During her work, she encountered a burgeoning group of individuals that shared the same rare and highly unique auric field that she had not previously encountered along with their own defining psychological makeup.
It was this new group of individuals that Cannon referred to as the Star Child or Children. This made up the likes of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children. What was most fascinating about this discovery was that it seemed to directly correlate with the growing number of Autistic individuals being born then, and up to our current epoch in human history. These were believed to be the Crystal Children. Lee Carrol would go on to continue her work, in such works as his novel, “The Indigo Children.”
Recently, the term Starseed has gone on to become a complex idea that combines two ideologies together to speak to this movement that we can observe at this time. More specifically it amalgamates the idea of reincarnation and the afterlife with that of life existing elsewhere in the multiverse. In this sense, a Starseed is a term used to describe an old, ancient, and advanced otherworldly soul that has incarnated here on earth at this time from other planets, galaxies, universes, realms, and dimensions in order to help us transition into this age of spiritual awakening. Some of the more popular Starseeds include that of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirian, Orion, Alpha Draconian, and many others, but for the purpose of this article, we will be taking a closer look at one group in particular in the case of the Zeta Recticuli.
What we find in the incarnate Zeta Recticuli is a group of misunderstood beings. Like their Alpha Draconian, or Reptilian, counterparts, this is due to the fact that they are surrounded by a thick cloud of negative connotations. This stems from the fact that what is known about them, sparse as it may be, is of a more hostile nature. They are the ones associated with abductions and dark agendas. It is believed that they are negotiating and associated with the powers of the world in an exchange of technologies for an agreement for their presence here at this time. While it may seem that they can perform miracles they are not to be underestimated. A large part of their agenda, along with that of the dark forces that they work with can be found in the fact that they can no longer naturally reproduce and are thus a dying breed. To this end, they are experimenting with creating hybrids with human beings to see and ensure that their race will live on.
As for Zeta Starseeds, they are incarnating here at this time for a number of reasons. The main among these, however, is to create a greater sense of unity amongst all beings sharing the celestial heavens. In a way, it is a reminder that we are all one, and all loved and accepted, so it acts to teach them a valuable lesson as it relates to this matter. Similarly, their reincarnation is to act as a lesson in forgiveness, amongst all beings, although, this too is just another means of acceptance. In the same right, it reminds them that the spirit is eternal and that they don’t have to resort to hostile means to continue to live on. That, as with all things, that we have a choice, and that there is always a place for the spirit in the cosmos that doesn’t directly involve harming another in any capacity.

The Zeta Recticuli cosmic address is a little bit murkier than most of their predecessors that we have looked at this far. In most cases, Starseeds are named after the constellations that they hail from. This is somewhat similar with the Zeta Recticuli, for it is believed that, at present, they reside within the Zeta Recticuli star systems. This constellation is a double-star binary system located some 39.3 light-years, or 12 parsecs away from our position in the cosmos. Nevertheless, this is a close approximation because of the fact that it is widely believed that these beings actually come from the future, and that their trek into the past has been to meet this end that their species doesn’t die out, and to this end, it is somewhat unknown as to where exactly in the future they come from. Could it possibly be that they are a possible future variant of ourselves, subject to nuclear fallout, or some other extinction level event? This too remains unknown, although it seems unlikely for it would seem that they would be less hostile than they do at present.

· Highly intellectual
· Can be stunted emotionally; feel denser feeling, appearing, cool and stoic
· Logic over feeling
· Can make great politicians
· Astute in biological, chemical process and make expert genetic engineers
· Love interconnectedness, but to the point of acting out of a hive mind, and feel disease when this is interrupted
· Military prowess especially in domination and conquering
· Scientific forward thinking
· Technologically advanced
· Astute understanding of space, astrophysics, and the cosmos
· Can seem somewhat lazy at times
· Keen observers and examiners
· Starseeds on earth tend to make teachers, guides, and teachers from their unique vantage point
· Because they don’t always communicate with physical gestures and other modalities, communication can be difficult for them
· Make great mathematicians and strategists
· Incredible capacity for imagination and revolutionary thinking
The Zeta Recticuli are the species and race that most readily comes to mind and to the forefront of thought as a result of mainstream media and low-budget Hollywood science-fiction movies. They are the short little grey ones, hence the name, the Greys. It is widely believed that they range from three to four and a half feet in length, although some may be as tall as seven. Their skin is loose and leather and of course grey. They have great big heads with wide black eyes. The Zeta Recticuli also has razor-sharp teeth much like a piranha. And, on a somewhat unrelated note, it is believed that they are amongst several of the extraterrestrial beings that have telepathic capabilities.