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Pleiadian Starseeds: Multidimensional Beings of Light

Writer's picture: Ascended OneAscended One


Since the dawn of human civilization, humankind has always placed itself at the center of the cosmos. From the epoch of ancient Greece, we did so in both the model stipulated by Eudoxus and Ptolemy, in the likes of geocentric universe where are earth was at the literal center of the ethers. Even at present, we find that not much has changed. Einstein’s general and specific theories are both just a much more complicated way of saying that everything being relative is its own center in an infinite universe.

We can observe our somewhat egoic belief that we are the center of the universe in our beliefs surrounding the evolution of life, and all other levels of existence as well. In the timeline of the universe which is estimated at some 19.6 billion years we know that we are but a bat of an eye in the timeline of all of space, and yet we perhaps ignorantly still assume that we are still the apex species that tops the animal kingdom, in an evolutionary paradigm that takes place and is ostensibly subjected only to earth and no where else in the cosmos. It would seem that in all of our scientific advancements that not much has changed in terms of our thinking in terms of our place in the universe as if all of life evolved around earth and earth alone.

Every so often, an idea comes along that completely revolutionizes the way that we think about the world around us. In this article, we will examine one such ideology that has been burgeoning quickly in various spiritual and social spheres. More specifically, we will take a look at a movement that has been referred to as the age of ascension, and what all that entails. From this vantage point, it is essential that a rudimentary definition of a Starseed will be provided to help the reader have a better understanding of the context needed for the topic at hand. Once this description has been given, the article will then touch on a group of celestial beings known as the Pleiadians as well of their cosmic address in the heavens. After this has been done, we will then take a look at their general characteristics, and mission here on earth. We will then conclude by listing some of their defining physical features.

In the advent of the last two decades has emerged a growing spiritual culture that seems to be increasing at an exponential rate, especially as of late. It has been referred to as the age of ascension, which is ushering in a new age of light. The central premise behind this belief is that we are making quantum leaps in consciousness, from that of a three-dimensional state of being to that of five-dimensional states and higher. It would appear to be an evolution of consciousness, which naturally would seem to be an evolution of spirit. In these circles, the thought here being is that we are every bit as multidimensional as the universe itself, being multidimensional beings having a temporary human experience. It is also quantum, in these since that as the individual heals and goes through this process of ascension, they can in turn, help illicit this to take place in domino effect at the collective level, as well as on the earthly plane, and even on the cosmic level. Heal the self, heal the world around you. 5D consciousness is what spiritual leaders such as Eckart Tolle has called new earth. And we need to observe it with every bit of due diligence as he does, as he notes in his book, “Evolve or die.”


It is within this dialog that we come to find the notion and sentiment of what a Starseed is. Within the frameworks of this narrative, a Starseed combines the thought of life existing in the multiverse with that of reincarnation. If life exists throughout the universe and is a universal law along with the likes of reincarnation, it is foolish to think that this process would occur and be subjected to our would alone. Instead, it should seem that it would be a universal process that takes place throughout all the universe, where it is extremely likely and probable that reincarnation occurs wherever life can be found. And so, even more specifically, the term Starseed speaks to wise old and ancient souls who originate from other planets, galaxies, universes, dimensions, and realms in all of space. They are incarnating here on earth at this time to bring all their knowledge, insights, and wisdom to help us in this process of ascension taking place at this time. Among some of the most well-known being that of the Pleiadian, Arcturian, Reptilian, Sirian, and many others. This article will focus on the amazing multi, and interdimensional beings called the Pleiadians.

Pleiadians are Starseeds that have incarnated here on earth that have lived previous lifetimes in the Pleiades where they originate from. These are an extremely benevolent group of beings that are highly evolved and spiritually advanced. Part of their life mission here on earth is to create for more of their understanding unity and help our collective consciousness transcend duality and see things along the lines of a spectrum such as they. The Pleiadians have also chosen to reincarnate on earth at this time to act in helping us to spiritually awaken and evolved and to help assist other Starseeds to wake up to who they are. For them, life is a process of remembering who you are in the spiritual sense, and this is a task that is extremely important to them. Pleiadians are working at this time to act as spirit guides to teach human beings how to live a more heart-centered life from their heart chakra.

THE PLEIADIAN COSMIC ADDRESS: The Pleiadian Starseeds originate from the Pleiades star cluster, which is also commonly referred to as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45. In fact, the Subaru symbol with it’s seven stars is actually based off the Pleiades and it’s Seven Sisters. This cluster mainly consists of extremely hot blue stars that have formed over the last 100 million years. The constellation is made up of hundreds of stars, but from our vantage point we can only make out a very select few. From our perspective, the Pleiades star cluster also appear to be a part of the Taurus constellation. Another fun fact about the Pleiades is that Galileo Galilei was the first astronomer to view it from his telescope. It is believed that Pleiadians previously lived on earth in years past and played a key role in the formation of Lemuria at that time.


Ø Below are listed some of the characteristics and traits that are commonly associated with Pleiadian Starseeds:

Ø The are the black sheep of the family

Ø Stargazers that love the night skies and topics on aliens

Ø They having a hard time grasping and following social hierarchies

Ø As a result of lower body temperature, they often exhibit lower blood pressure

Ø People love to be in their presence, subconsciously and otherwise because they easily give their energy off to others

Ø They radiate love and love to love to the fullest just as they love to share it in everything they do

Ø Because of the previously mentioned trait, they are psychic vampires’ favorite dish

Ø Nurturing and compassionate

Ø They have and offer many healing capabilities and modalities

Ø Interested in humanitarian and philanthropic topics

Ø Very spiritually oriented

Ø Lovers of nature and the mystical realms

Ø The challenge social norms and the status quo

Ø Highly creative with a great sense of imagination

Ø Sensitive, intuitive, and empathic; can also be telepathic

Ø Drawn to all things related to metaphysics and the paranormal

Ø Often times they choose to reincarnate in families that have a history of abuse, trauma, and addiction to help heal and remedy these ailments and to assist in breaking the karmic cycles related to them

Ø Feel a strong sense as if they have a purpose or mission in their lives that they are deeply dedicated to

Ø May have food sensitivities

Ø Very emotional, and can often dislike that this is the case

Ø Incarnate Pleiadian’s often resonate with Nordic mythology and folklore

Ø They have an insatiable desire to create for others happiness and bliss

Ø They like to be happy and in more elated states of being


The Pleadian’s physical appearance varies greatly for a number of different reasons. Most noticeably is that they are a decedent and genetic deviation from the Lyra that were discussed in another article, “Lyran Starseeds: Master Geneticists and Creators.” Here, they integrate the divine feminine aspects of the Lyran. As with all other offshoots of the Lyran race, the Pleiadian are humanoid and greatly resemble us in many ways. That being said, they are much taller. They carry themselves in great pose and dignified grace. What we fine in their facial features is that they greatly resemble those of our Nordic people. Pleiadian’s have extremely fair skin and hair, with their skin being far smoother than ours. The Pleiadian’s eyes are also typically much larger than ours. There are also those Pleiadian’s that have almost Mediterranean appearance as well. It should also be noted that there are a great many Pleiadian’s living in higher dimension from the fifth to the ninth and in higher dimensions they are etheric beings of light. On this level, it is believed that they don’t have blood because their memory matrix is of light.


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