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Lyran Starseeds: Master Geneticists and Creators

Writer's picture: Ascended OneAscended One


This article will act as a didactic dialog that speaks to the growing material surrounding new age spiritualism. In its contents, we will take a look at the burgeoning movement known as the epoch of ascension, or new age of light, and what that entails. From there, a basic definition for what a Starseed is will be given. From there we will gloss over the group of Starseeds known as the Lyran’s and interchangeably the Feline species.

Once this has been established, we will then take a brief trek through the cosmos to another of many universes in our theoretical multiverse to the Lyran’s cosmic address. After we have finished with our journey in the cosmos, we will then take a look at the Lyra wars and the content that makes them heralded as grand beings of our sacred texts. In conclusion, the article will wrap up by providing the Lyran’s physical features, as well as their life mission and purpose here on earth.

What can be observed in the last decade or so in certain spiritual communities is what can only be described as a quantum shift in thought and theologies, albeit they seem to only affirm those already existing. The belief behind what is coined as the age of ascension is a drastic shift from three-dimension consciousness to that of five-dimensional and higher elevated states of being and thought. As part of this paradigm, the individual realizes and comes to understand that they are every bit as multidimensional as the universe itself. It encourages the individual to rise out of primal feelings of anger, fear, and guilt that come with mere survivalism and elevate their consciousness to thoughts out of joy, happiness, love, and bliss.

The overarching goal of this touches on raising Carl Jung’s Collective unconscious. When the individual heals themselves and undergoes this process, this, in turn, allows for it to take place on the level of the collective consciousness, earthly, and even cosmic levels, seeing as to how everything is quantum or subatomic particles or consciousness. Essentially, if we heal ourselves and become enlightened beings the world around us will as well. It speaks to the spiritual poverty that is part of our everyday lives that is evident in the poverty found in the world, the constant warfare, genocide, and all other atrocities that are accepted and commonplace. These are the beings assisting in raising the planet's vibrational field.

It is within the frameworks of this exchange that we get the term Starseed. This idea takes the idea that there are sentient lifeforms in the universe and amalgamates it with the notion of the afterlife, and more specifically, reincarnation. After all, if both life existing in the cosmos and reincarnation where universal laws to be found in the contexts of reality, then life would not continue to reincarnate only on the level of earth, but throughout all the heavens, wherever life could be found. The reincarnation of life would not be subjected to occurring only on earth alone.

As farfetched as this may seem, it would appear to be only logical. To date, our astrophysicists have stipulated that there are some seven to eight different multiverse models, ranging from the quilted to the holographic and ultimate. It is absurd to think that in such an infinite landscape that we are the only intelligent forms to be found. Both Drake’s Equation and Cosmic Astronaut Theory (CAT) speak to these truths. Drake’s equation alone suggests that there are some 1000 civilizations living in the vast recesses of space. And to be honest, the fermi paradox, that if intelligent life exists then why hasn’t it visited yet is neither a paradox, and it is a joke, to be frank. Notwithstanding, a Starseed refers to an advanced old reincarnate soul that originates from other planets, galaxies, universes, dimensions, and realms in our observable universe, that have done so at this time to assist in this process of ascension into higher states of being. The most popular of which in this culture is that of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Reptilians, amongst many others.


The Lyran’s are amongst one of the oldest souls in the known universe along with the likes of the Avian and Alpha Draconian which have been discussed at length in other articles. Along with these other beings, they played an essential role in the creation of humanity and seeding the universe with all humanoid sentient lifeforms throughout. In this way, they have acted as master geneticists and expert DNA engineers. They are also divine creators of entire worlds and civilizations. It is believed that they played a vital role in this in the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, as well in providing the earth with the element of fire. The Lyrans also assisted in creating for the likes of the Pleiadian, Sirian’s, and other humanoid races, and for this reason, Lyran Starseeds tend to identify as hybrids or a number of these other types of Starseeds.

It is also worth noting that the Lyran Starseeds are believed to be a byproduct of the Elohim. Here it is believed that the divine creator/source energy created for embodiments and duality to deal with loneliness and to experience a sense of self in the likes of the Elohim, and they in term created for other beings in their likeness. We see the dualist dance of good and bad, light and dark in the polarity between the creative nature of the Lyrans and the dark and destructive nature of the Alpha Draconians.

THE LYRAN COSMIC ADDRESS: In terms of the Lyrans cosmic address, what we can observe is unique almost only to them. As we have seen earlier, a lot of Lyran Starseeds have difficulties with identifying as a number of other Starseeds. The reason for this is in the role of seeding and creating for the humanoid races throughout the multiverse. What can also be observed is that the Lyran’s presence can be found all throughout the multiverse. They originally dwelled in another universe. They can also be found on a number of different galaxies and planets in our own universe ranging from the Orion constellation, to Sirius, as well as that of the Andromeda galaxy. For the most part, however, most Lyran Starseeds at present resides in the constellation Lyra which is in close proximity to Vulpecula, Hercules, Draco, and Cygnus, and whose brightest star is that of Vega. It is also worth noting that, having lived many lives as one of the most ancient beings in the heavens, the Lyran are now residing in dimensions ranging from the third to as high up to the ninth, and other realms of existence.


Listed below are some of the common traits associated with Lyran Starseeds:

v Strong connection to cats

v Tendency to overindulge

v Natural born leaders

v Extremely intelligent with a vast repertoire of skills

v Emotional and spiritual intelligence

v A tendency to isolate and be somewhat reclusive

v Drawn to the paranormal and the metaphysical

v Sporty and adventurous

v Fight for justice and independence

v Flirtatious, sensual, and sexual

v Can tend to be impatient and a bit of a temper

v Dislike authority figures

v Drawn to and find truth in the arts and humanities

v Quite listeners and observers

v Stargazers

v Excellent problem solvers

v Strong masculine energy

v Serious in nature

v Feel like they have a purpose or meaning and are strong to pursue it

v Amazing creative types

v People natural trust and gravitate towards them

v Tend to believe in the best in people

v Amazing coping skills and ability to overcome challenges

v Their happiness doesn’t depend on life’s external situations

v Again, independence is very important to them


The Lyran narrative is one of the most ancient throughout the universe. Part of this was touched on in their place in creating for and seeding civilizations throughout the multiverse. Their story is found in the mythologies and theologies the world over. They are found in artifacts of ancient Egypt such as in the great Sphinx and the many cat-based deities that they worshiped. Similarly, the Lyran along with the Avians and a number of other ancient Starseeds can be found in many religious and sacred texts such as the Judeo-Christian books of Ezekiel and in Revelations in the form of the creatures with many faces and the Cherubim to whom had the faces of lions with great wings. This was in direct reference to them.


What we can observe in the Lyran’s physical features is that they greatly resemble most humanoid lifeforms. After all, they played a monumental role in creating for all humanoid beings throughout the multiverse. One of the few exceptions is that they tend to be slightly taller with a greater mass. They are also well known for their eyes, which are cat-like with bright vibrant colors. Most noticeably however is the fact that they have such cat-like defining characteristics, especially in their facial features.


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