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Avian Starseeds: Ancient Cosmic Creators

Writer's picture: Ascended OneAscended One


In this article, we will be discussing one of the most ancient celestial beings known to the whole of the multiverse. They are the divine and benevolent creators known as the Avian. Their presence has been well documented throughout the history of almost all of human civilization. From one epoch to the next, they have always been depicted as great and powerful celestial deities with tremendous creative capabilities, which is an understatement to say the less.

As part of this didactic exchange, a basic definition will be provided for what a Starseed is, and what it means to be one. The odds are, more likely than not, that if you find yourself reading this and gravitating towards materials of this similitude, you are a part of this group of individuals yourself, or at least know of some. More specifically, this article will cover and provide a comprehensive review of the Avian Starseeds in question.

This dialog touches on some of the signs and indications that one is an incarnate Avian Starseed. In addition, this review will take a look at Avian’s cosmic address and origins in our vast multiverse and the role that they have played in human civilization as it relates to what could be regarded as cosmic astronaut theory. Once we have finished this interdimensional galactic excursion, we will conclude by looking at some of the defining characteristics of these rare beings and incarnate souls, as well as that of their appearance.


The term Starseed is a new age concept in what some could call the literature of new-age spiritualism, and it refers to advanced and ancient souls that have reincarnated here on earth at this time to assist in the process of rapid spirit development known as ascension. These are what some refer to as old souls, and they are wise beyond their years. Incarnate Starseeds are not only the benevolent and wise souls that they are, but their cosmic origins stem from far-off planets, galaxies, otherworldly realms and dimensions, and even far-off and different universes like our Avian friends.

Although it is approximated that only one-third of the planet believes in reincarnation it is a concept that is highly saturated and that permeates almost every religious, spiritual, and other related ideology. And, in this topic of our beliefs, views, pedagogies, and paradigms, there are even fewer that believe in the idea of extraterrestrials or celestial beings, even though these too can be found in the histories of almost every civilization, and can be found in the likes of petroglyphs, hieroglyphs, and sacred texts the world over. However, now, more than ever, the general populace that is starting to believe that this is the case is growing at an almost exponential rate, as we inch ever closer to full cosmic disclosure.

It is on this level that we must note what would seem like the obvious implication, in that if the afterlife exists, in terms of reincarnation, within the framework of a vast multiverse with other sentient lifeforms that this process would not be contained and confined on our planetary level. That beings from other worlds, and from other dimensions and realms could incarnate here on earth in humanly form, and vice versa. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, and the essence of the spirit is eternal. And it is at this level that we can see how those that have incarnated here on earth as Starseeds are playing such a pivotal role in what we are witnessing now in terms of ascension into a golden age of spirituality in this process of shifting our 3D consciousness into a 5D plane in higher.

By choosing to reincarnate here on earth currently, these beautiful souls are bringing with them all the energy, frequencies, and vibrations, the very essence of these higher dimensions and the consciousness-related with it. Consequentially, their very presence here currently raises the consciousness of the collective. It is to challenge the 3D perspective of consciousness to rise and meet them at this level. They understand to heal the individual is to heal the collective, as well as the planetary grids, and that in a cascading quantum domino-like effect that these ripples push out throughout every level of the universe. The planet and the universe have their own awareness, its own consciousness. It is quantum in this sense because we can not readily observe if it is the fact that this evolution of consciousness is causing it took to take place on the cosmic level, or if it is the other way around. It is an instantaneous exchange to that point that we can’t pinpoint the origin point. But we can be aware of it.

At this time, there are a vast number of different reincarnate Starseeds on Earth at this time, such as that of the Arcturian, Pleiadean, and Sirian, just to name a few of the more prominent one’s. Of these, the Avian, and the Blue Avian respectively, are among one the rarest with the total number being estimated only in the 100 to 1000 range. These are a group of higher dimensional celestial beings that remain somewhat enigmatic to us. Like other Starseeds, they have their own hierarchy of sorts, with the Blue Avian being the highest among them. The Avian is one of the most ancient sentient lifeforms in all the universe and their capacity to create has no equal, except possibly that of the beings that hail from Lyra. The Avian is a sentient life that typically exists and operates from the sixth to twelfth dimensions of the universe. This is a stark juxtaposition when compared to the likes of our own civilization that typically occupy the third to fifth dimensions. This is just one of the reasons that there is so few Avian on earth because they feel almost trapped working within the confines of our 3-5D physical world. They have been here before in the past and are here presently with the same message of peace, as well with their mission of helping humanity fight the dark forces and the ruling Cabal of the world.


Like the Lyran and the Alpha Draconian respectively, the Avian is a group of celestial entities that originate not from another planet or galaxy, but rather, from another universe entirely. And, in the same way, these ancient lifeforms are master creators and geneticists that have played a monumental role in seeding the universe, creating many different species throughout all of the multiverses. They entered our universe many billions of years ago to this end.

Not only is the Avian from an entirely different universe, but as mentioned above they dwell in higher dimensions and realms of reality generally between the sixth and twelfth dimensions. But the vast majority of them remain as an elite group in the twelfth dimension. Many of them evolved from small birds, and in the seeing of the universe, the birds of our planets can be viewed as a gift from them. They also have a vastly expanded consciousness, able to see a more abstract and larger picture of all the multiverse, and have the capacity to move throughout the universe and consciousness via thought because of their developed sense of consciousness. They are known for being able to communicate via thought, telepathically, and have even developed their own kind of sign language. Being able to travel and teleport via the processes of their minds, they carefully consider what worlds they will inhabit via this methodology. As with other celestial beings, the mixed with human beings, which has been a similar trend for the higher dimensional Starseeds, and part of their incentive for doing so is that of helping to regulate the electromagnetic atmosphere of our planet.


We see the Avian’s involvement here on earth heavily proliferated throughout the religions, theologies, mythologies, and histories the world over. In many different religious sacred texts, we see them in the descriptions of the Cherubim and that of the Tetramorphs. This is found in the constant references of beings with the faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and that of an eagle. For instance, we see this in the verse of the Holy Bible in Ezekiel 10:14 in the passage, “Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a human being, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. Again, we see interesting parallelism in terms of Starseeds, in that the lion can be thought of as the reincarnate Lyran, the human’s the Anunnaki, and the Eagle’s, the Avian’s which are highly saturated throughout this religious text, and many others. And that is not the only reference that can be found in the bible. They are found repetitiously all the way to the book of Revelation, such as that of Revelation 4:7 in, “The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.

Not only that, but the eagle is one of the most symbolic creatures found throughout the text as a representation of strength, power, vision, and even destruction. See for instance that of Isaiah 40:31 in that of, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.” We find analogies like this that heavily permeate in the books of the similitude of Leviticus, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, Job, and many others.

Most importantly, we should note the characteristics of these celestial beings as is indicated in these visionary texts, such as that that can be found in Ezekiel 1:14-18, “And the living creatures darted to and fro, like the appearance of a flash of lighting. Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, one for each of the four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of beryl. And the four had the same likeness, their appearance and construction being as it were a wheel within a wheel. When they went, they went in any of their four directions without turning as they went. And their rims were tall and awesome, and the rims of all four were full of eyes all around.

What should be noted here is that this speaks directly to God’s chariot that Ezekiel uses to ascend into the heavens, his promise of a new heart, body, and spirit to do so, and more importantly that of the ancient study of Merkabah mysticism. Merkabah translates both into that of God’s chariot or throne, and that of light, body, and spirit. What this means is that these creatures imparted their divine spiritual gifts and understanding of Merkabah to Ezekiel. And what is even more important to note, is how it validates the information about the Avian surfacing at this time. It is believed that the Avian’s have technology far more sophisticated than our own. As part of this narrative, it is believed that their crafts are described as great luminous spheres, some of which are the size of planets, that are orbiting throughout our solar system in higher dimensions of reality. This is important to note because these crafts of theirs are the byproduct of them working directly with their Merkabah, or that of God’s chariot.

Even more interestingly, is the fact that this is a common trend in most religions, theologies, and mythologies dating back to ancient Egypt and many other ancient civilizations. The descriptions of the cherubim in the bible are an almost exact match of what we would find in the pantheon of Egyptian gods in the sense that a great many of them were humanoid with the faces of different birds of prey. This is demonstrated in the likes of the Egyptian Gods and deities such as Ra, Horus, Thoth, Abgal, and many others. As it relates, it is also fascinating to note that from 650 B.C to 250 B.C., the Ancient Egyptians mummified millions of birds in Thoth’s honor.

This reverence to these sacred creatures also has its origins in Greek mythology, as is indicated in the way that Zeus carried a lightning bolt in one hand, and in the other, he carried a great Eagle spreading its wing, just as we can also see in the special abilities of the Hermes. We see this evident in the Mesopotamian mythology in the Sun-God Zu, who had the characteristics of hands like eagle claws. In ancient Islam, the Eagle was revered as a god, and they even worshiped an Eagle idol. There are also countless references towards the griffin, which also carries many similarities, that can be found in the mythologies of Iranian, Anatolian, Egyptian, European, and many other cultures. And here we see another startling relationship that even in Greek mythology, the Griffon was depicted as driving the chariots of the Gods of the likes of Apollo and Zeus.


As some of the oldest souls in the multiverse, the Avian’s are revolutionary thinkers, and this stems from the multidimensional perspective. Their abilities and specialties are well-known and documented throughout all the cosmoses. Their visionary insights have given them a reputation for being precognitive in nature, with the ability to be interdimensional teleporters. The Avian actually has Pyramids on their own planets, which they utilize to create tremendous amounts of energy due to the way that they are interconnected to each other, as well as to their home world’s planetary grid and core, and they utilize these structures as interdimensional portals.

For Blue Avian’s the most important aspect to them is freedom, sovereignty, and honor. They value and honor all sentient lifeforms in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and they expect the same in return. One of the worse things that can be done to a Blue Avian is that of an attempt to try and confine them in any means. As higher dimensional beings that have transcended the duality and physicality of our 3-dimensional world, this is why they have difficulties feeling comfortable in their bodies as reincarnated beings here on earth because they feel confined by the physicality of said physical limitations of our bodies.

As higher dimensional beings, they are also well known for their capacity to rise group consciousness and groupthink with a knack for being able to take any situation, ideology, or conceptualization to higher levels of thought. And, as higher dimensional beings, they are the ones that raise frequencies throughout all levels of being from the individual level to that of the cosmic. It is for these reasons that they are at the forefront of expanding frontiers of creation and thought, as well as raising the bar for creating higher levels of consciousness, knowing, and understanding. Higher-dimensional avian beings have dropped in on Earth civilizations to help enlighten to new perspectives, usually through communications with advanced masters or high priests and shamans. Listed below are some of the characteristics and traits most commonly associated with reincarnating Avian Starseeds:

Ø Highly Intelligent

Ø Free Thinkers

Ø Visionaries

Ø Observers

Ø Great Memory

Ø Connection to Birds

Ø Telepathic

Ø Uncomfortable in their bodies

Ø Freedom seekers

Ø Uplifting

Ø Awkward

Ø Music

Ø Love being emersed in natures

Ø Loyal

Ø Unusual or bad sleep patterns

Ø Extremely sensitive and spiritual

Ø Creative

Ø Multidimensional beings with multidimensional perspectives

Ø Tech savvy

Ø Meticulous with an attention to detail

Ø Freedom and Respect is most important to them

Few careers to consider for Avian Starseeds:

Computer Programmer/Developer/Engineer

Spiritual Medium/Psychic Reader

Scientists (specifically Physics, Neuroscience or Quantum Mechanics)

Computer Programmer/Developer/Engineer

Psychologist or Psychiatrist (psychiatric)

APPEARANCE: Avian’s appear as large humanoid sentient beings with the faces of vary great different birds. They also manifest in hybrid forms, mainly that of human hybrid, just as it should be noted that they manifest them in many different forms due to their multi-dimensional nature, physical, light, etheric, and otherwise.


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