I’m not saying it was aliens. But aliens. In this article, we will be taking a look at a group of Starseeds that were some of the first astronauts in all of the galaxy. One that has been thought to be of seemingly biblical proportions, as they are a soul family that appear often in the likes of cosmic disclosure, ancient aliens, and other media platforms of the likes. As part of this dialog, this article will clearly define what a Starseed as it relates to the Anunnaki in specific. Once this has been established, we will then span out throughout the cosmos and take a look at where they originate from. After this brief journey, an extensive list will be given of those traits and characteristics that are common to and associated with the Anunnaki Starseeds and their descends. In order to create for full disclosure, we will then take a look at their fascinating history as well as their physical features, and then wrap things up by detailing the mission and purpose of these beings.

What is a Starseed? This new age concept has emerged in the last two decades as part of a much larger ideology known as ascension. Ascension refers to a spiritual process of raising one’s vibrational energy and consciousness. However, this is not taking place on just the individual or singular level. What is occurring at this time, or more accurately what has already taken place, is a quantum shift into higher states of being as we begin to move into an age of great creativity and light. We are shifting from a three-dimensional perspective into one of five dimensions, although there are certainly more than that.
And it is on this quantum level that as more people enter into this process of healing, raising their vibrational energy, and expanding their own sense of consciousness into higher states of being that it can in turn allow for it to occur throughout all of the collectives, and all of the cosmos for that matter. Everything is consciousness, and the universe, the planets, and everything throughout the spacetime continuum are as aware as you or I. As we increase said awareness in the self it occurs throughout all spatiotemporal points. It is during this epoch that we are approaching a new earth. Earth or Gaia, as a living being, is moving into her developmental stage of evolution into her next incarnation. It cannot be emphasized enough as to how important it is that we make the necessary changes within ourselves, that she can do so as well.
It is from this context that we can better understand what a Starseed is. In the language of new-age spiritualism, a Starseed refers to an otherworldly, or alien soul that has incarnated as a human being at this time in order to fulfill their own personal mission in assisting in this process of ascension. These individuals are some of the oldest souls, wise beyond their years, and they have come to earth during this very exciting time of our spiritual development from different planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, and even different dimensions. In doing so, they are accelerating and quickening the rate that this occurs by bringing in the higher energy, vibration, frequencies, and states of consciousness from their place of origins into the gridwork of our earthly plane.
The Anunnaki are but one of a great many Starseeds, star groups, soul families, and other versions of sentient lifeforms that can be found throughout our vast and infinite multiverse. Anunnaki can closely be translated to mean, those from the heavens above who are of the image and likeness of the human beings of earth. This is not the first time in our history that we have encountered these beings, and it certainly will not be the last. They are sometimes viewed of in the negative along the lines of the Reptilians or the Greys. Although it is important to remember that not all are bad. All sentient life is precious and in its own way provides something that we all can learn from. Let us now further examine this very unique galactic civilization.

COSMIC ORIGINS The Anunnaki are home to what is arguably the most fascinating cosmic address. This is not because there is any point in the heavens that is more interesting than another. Rather, this is due to the fact while they are an ancient civilization that has had a significant role in our very own development, their place of origin is almost enigmatic. Most sources list the planet of Nibiru as their history. Now, this is particularly remarkable for a number of reasons. Although none other tops the list more so than the fact that it is a hypothetical and fictitious planet. At least that is the reverberating thought throughout most viable sources in the field of astronomy. There was a thought that originated in 1995 that what was referred to as, Planet X, or as, The Ninth Planet, was going to collide with the earth in a cataclysmic and extinction-level event. This was the planet of Nibiru.
However, NASA and most other space agencies and programs debate as to whether it even exists. NASA’s Solar System Project Exploration writes in their article, Hypothetical Planet X, “The announcement does not mean there is a new planet in our solar system. The existence of this distant world is only theoretical at this point and no direct observation of the object nicknamed "Planet 9" has been made. Similarly, Nola Taylor Redd writes in her article, Nibiru: The Non-existent Planet, for space.com, that, “The proponents for this fictitious planet noted several infrared sources with no counterparts. However, in a follow-up, it was concluded that these turned out to be distant galaxies. None of these were identified as planets, and the information is readily available to the public. In addition, it is highly unlikely given the fact that a planet with an orbit cycle of 3,600 would only act to create instabilities within, and ultimately destabilize our solar system.” And so, it would see truly incredible that a more ancient civilization of the likes of the Anunnaki would originate from a fictitious planet.
In this way, the cosmic origins of the Anunnaki are shrouded in enigma the more one researches about them. This is mostly due to the way that there are multiple locations sited to be their place of origin. However, there is a perfectly logical explanation for this that will be touched on further in the next section. The fact of the matter is that, like most of the other more ancient civilizations, their homeworld does not even belong to this universe. Like the Avian, Feline, Draco, and other much older races, they originally came from and evolved from another universe. As we examine the history of the Anunnaki in the next section, it will become evident as to why it can be difficult to pinpoint their place of origin. That, and the other fascinating fact about them, is that they are well-argued to be the stuff of every one of religious texts and in ways that are mind-blowing.

Seeing as to how the Anunnaki are essentially forefathers who not only genetically manufactured our species, but that also had relations with it, we can see as to why there are not only Anunnaki Starseeds but also that of Anunnaki descendants. While this may be hard to believe, there is substantial scientific evidence that supports the idea. It has not been long since the human genome project mapped out our genetic signature and its variants by identifying specific and hereditary gene characteristics. From this, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published an article documenting the ways that from this database that the project revealed at least nineteen pieces of ancient viral DNA. These nineteen pieces of ancient viral DNA are found in only two percent of the populace. From this, their gene is found to be dominant Blood Type O RH Negative, which is a truly alien blood type that is a universal blood type belonging to the Anunnaki. That being said, there are also those that are Starseeds in the traditional sense, being reincarnated Anunnaki in human form. If you find yourself wondering if you are of Anunnaki decent, or an Anunnaki Starseed, try and see if any of the following traits and characteristics commonly associated with them resonate with you. Generally speaking, an astrological natal chart is the best way to determine one’s Starseed markings or origins. This can be figured out by reading the position of the sun, moon, and any visible planets at the time of one’s birth in direct relationship to differing star systems. However, seeing if you resonate with or can identify with a certain Starseed soul family is a good place to start. You just may be Anunnaki if you have any of these Starseed Traits: Drawn to the ancient civilizations, specifically Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia, and Assyria
Feel as if your soul is ancient, older than humanity
You have a strong need for ritual in your life, both mundane and spiritual
You’re drawn to shows like Ancient Aliens, specifically when focused on the Annunaki
You have a longing to return to the skies
A large head and particularly large almond-shaped eyes
You favor the air element over the others
You’re drawn to or work with ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, and Assyrian gods like Enlil, Enki, or Inanna Ishtar
You have ancestry from the middle east
You’ve had dreams of flying or are able to astral project into space easily
The feeling of wings on your back – a tingling or heavy sensation between your shoulder blades
There are multiple sights that offer to do Starseed confirmation readings to confirm your Starseed origins. Provided below are a few reliable sources that can do this. As a heads up, they usually require payment for mapping out your natal chart, and for reading it for these indications. Either that or they ask for you to purchase some sort of material that can teach you how to do so for yourself. That being said, I will add from personal experience that I would recommend turning to social media to have this done. There are numerous Starseed groups, forums, and communities of the likes on these platforms. More often than not, you’ll find someone here that will do so for you for nothing more than the satisfaction of your figuring out your cosmic and Starseed origins. https://thestarseedscompass.com/
Despite all their negative connotations and depictions, one cannot marvel over their galactic history. From many different circles from spiritual, religious to intellectual the Anunnaki, sometimes referred to as the shining ones, are commonly linked with ancient astronaut theory which can sometimes be hard to follow.
What we know is that Anunnaki was among several alien civilizations that not only visited Earth in our distant past but were also responsible for founding and colonizing our planets in differing time periods ranging from 400,000 years ago to as far back as 4,000 B.C. In a way, they are our forefathers and ancestors. As the Avian and Feline and other much older civilizations seeded and created for the Pleiadean, Arcturian, and other civilizations within or own universe, this is exactly what the Anunnaki did her on planet earth.
Like most of the ancient civilizations such as those named above, the Anunnaki are masters in genetic engineering and manipulation. They ruled over the earth and enslaved it when they came all those years ago. When they arrived, they experimented with mixing their own genes with that of both the Homo Erectus and Neanderthal species to create a species that would serve under them and carry out their more basic tasks and functions. With gifts, technologies, and abilities that were unimaginable, they were revered as Gods. More specifically that of the ancient Sumerian Gods. It is also believed that these were the sons and daughters of the Gods, heaven, and earth.
Again, we see another inconsistency in that a good number of sources say that the Anunnaki enslaved the then race known as Igigi, in order to mine for gold. This is inconsistent in two parts. First and most obviously that they would have already been so far advanced that they would have no need to do so. Similarly, enslaved is too harsh of a word. The Igigi did carry out their basic tasks, but they highly respected them and were thankful for doing so. It was only when the Igigi rebelled against them that they, in a place that we know as Eden, created for the human race by molding clay and mixing their own bloodline so that there would be another race that could also share their divine wisdom with them. It is here that things get spiritual and biblical. The thought is that these ancient and foremost of ancient astronauts were what was perceived to us to be the Elohim, watchers, guardians, Seraphim, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, angelic entities, and even our own creator Gods. The belief beginning in the book of Genesis starts with, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness (Gen 1:26). It does make me wonder who us is in this act of creation and how fascinating that it is not just in God’s own image. Here the thought is that it is also in the likeness of the Anunnaki. In a similar train of thought, they are also believed to be those that found the females of mankind attractive, thus mating with them which in turn created for the giants. It was this great act that essentially led to God’s decision to flood the earth. The specific biblical text is that as found in Genesis 6:2, in the verse, “The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful. And they took wives for themselves; whoever they chose…bore children to them.” Here it is easy to understand why they were revered as Gods. They were capable of genetic engineering, creating for life, galactic travel, and their actions and behaviors created for a great flood, all of which we are not even capable of today. They are also referenced in the Book of Enoch, but that is where things get a little bit more controversial. The Anunnaki also have colonies similar to this all throughout our universe. Within these colonies, they have very close associations with the Reptillians, Draconians, Nommos, Draconagarians, Amphibians, Nagarians, Ikelines, Scorpiones, Falconians, Felines, Lycans, and Lahmu soul groups. The vast majority of these races were part of another genetic engineering experiment conducted by the Draconagarian queen Tiamat. What is fascinating about this is the fact that the Sumerian and Mesopotamian mythological text, The Epic of Gilgamesh, which parallels the book of Genesis and the great flood story in many ways, has a creator god named Tiamat, who must be defeated, rather brutally, in order to create for the universe.
Seeing that a great many of these of the likes of the Reptillians and the Dranonians are viewed more negatively than the Anunnaki are as well. Some revere them as the sons of Gods, while others think that they a nothing more than great and evil manipulators. It is here however that we see why pinpointing their place of origins is so difficult to interpret, seeing as they have outposts all throughout the universe.
ANUNNAKI APPEARANCE The physical appearance of the Anunnaki can be very difficult to describe which, in this paradoxical way, seems like it should be just the opposite. After all, it seems that their physical features are right there in the name, what with Anunnaki meaning those from the heavens of the image and likeness of the human beings of earth. That is to say that they look like us! But at the same time, that’s not it at all. In attempting to describe them, they have been characterized as being tall fair-skinned humanoids that are the progenitors of the Caucasians and that they are much fairer and more beautiful than us. But at the same time, there is this esoteric, otherworldly, and almost angelic nature to them. After all, they are also referred to as the shining ones, and there are those that think that these are the Elohim. As such they seem to be surrounded by this radiant and almost etheric light. ANUNNAKI MISSION
Unlike the other Starseeds, it's difficult to definitively put a finger on their purpose, mission, and role in aiding in the process of ascension. And there are those that think that they are linked are likened to the Reptilians and the likes and as such that they have a darker agenda. It really is quite difficult to say. It is clear, that in their own accord, much of their objective is centered around colonizing the universe, genetically engineering, modifying, manipulating, and other such processes necessary for seeding various planets with differing species. ANUNNKAI MATERIALS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NXWil1lBlQ